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I'm a young professional that deeply enjoys the simple things in life! A front porch swing on a summer day with a glass of iced tea or a snowball fight in the depths of winter...it all makes me smile :)
Nicole Fields. Powered by Blogger.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A square peg for a round hole...hmmmm!


     As I make my triumphant return to my blog, it has come to my attention that there has been a fairly consistent theme to my life these past few months(as well as in the lives of many that I converse with on a daily basis), that we all have our "square peg for a round hole" moments, scenarios or entire life situations. For those of you that know me, you are well aware that I am pretty okay with marching to the beat of my own drummer, but sometimes a sliver of conformity almost sounds like heaven. However, then we have the opportunity to realize that we can have our "Apollo 13" moment and make that square peg fit (if you don't get the reference, watch the movie). We aren't conforming, but finding out how to exist in the world of mixed shapes. Yes, society still sends us a plethora of mixed signals...be inclusive, but still fit into these cookie cutter molds we have shaped for you, ha! If you appear to be just too different and too good to be true, we'll even make an example out of you!

      Take this story on Yahoo! Shine for example...this couple has been featured within the media realms more than once, all because she weighs more than him!!!!! I love the fact that this couple is taking a stand, letting the world know that they are in love even though they are so different, but isn't it sad that we live in a society where loving someone makes headline news? Well friends, I might as well admit it, I weigh more than my husband. Someone had better call the local paper and alert the radio station, because a plus sized gal found love with someone outside of her body type! Gasp!!! Honestly, why should it matter? I don't see too many people consumed with worry because I have more schooling or because he has a better tan...so why does it matter that I have more meat on my bones? It matters because we do not fit the societal mold of couple hood! We live in a world riddled with crime, poverty, hunger, etc. and still, we must pigeon-hold people into thinking that they are "odd" "weird" or "different" because one of these things is not like the other. Humph (of course, said with my arms crossed and a sigh).
     We live in a world where we have much more important things to focus on, a world where children are losing their lives because they don't fit this overly-glamorized mold. People, it is time for all of us to wake up and smell the java...we need to be the change we want to see! DON'T EVER let someone make you feel "less than" because you don't match the picture of perfection in their head. Do I need to make changes in my life? You can bet your bottom dollar that I do, but they are dictated by health and a desire to live a long time to see my loved ones grow, not a longing to be a fashion plate or cover model. Sexy is a state of mind, not a number on a tag or a picture in a magazine...embrace your unique self and accept all of the beauty around you. Take your stand, be proud of who you are, and NEVER forget that you are one in six billion and no one can ever take your place :)

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