About Me

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I'm a young professional that deeply enjoys the simple things in life! A front porch swing on a summer day with a glass of iced tea or a snowball fight in the depths of winter...it all makes me smile :)
Nicole Fields. Powered by Blogger.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The world is a stage and I intend to use it as such! My name is Nicole and I am your run-of-the-mill nearly thirty-something professional that is trying to make the most out of life...which leaves a lot of questions and ideas to ponder. This past spring, I decided that my life needed a little more spark, so I made the decision to go back and pursue my Master's degree in management...what a choice! I'm learning to balance the delicate harmony of work, family, school and community. This blog will be a place where I express my thoughts, frustrations, ideas and general random comments. I hope you enjoy joining me on this journey they call life :)


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